1303921 / 9J5476 Caterpillar 769, 771C/D Front Suspension Cylinder
Completely rebuilt front suspension cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 769, 771C/D rigid frame truck.
4T4168 Caterpillar 769C/D, 770G, 771C/D, 772G Hoist Cylinder
Completely rebuilt hoist cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 769C/D, 770G, 771C/D, 772G rigid frame truck.
2716441 Caterpillar 988G/H Tilt Cylinder
Completely rebuilt tilt cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 988G/H wheel loader.
1738613 Caterpillar 988G/H LH Lift Cylinder
Completely rebuilt LH lift cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 988G/H wheel loader.
1738612 Caterpillar 988G/H RH Lift Cylinder
Completely rebuilt RH lift cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 988G/H wheel loader.
3630218 Caterpillar 988K Steer Cylinder
Completely rebuilt steer cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 988K wheel loader.
3949988 / 1677996 Caterpillar 992G Tilt Cylinder
Completely rebuilt tilt cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 992G wheel loader.
1621523 / 1128209 Caterpillar 992G LH Lift Cylinder
Completely rebuilt LH lift cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 992G wheel loader.
1621522 / 1367880 Caterpillar 992G RH Lift Cylinder
Completely rebuilt RH lift cylinder to fit in a Caterpillar 992G wheel loader.